Work in Progress
“The Impact of COVID-19 on Global Value Chains”
“Measuring Labor Market Dynamics of Global Value Chains”
“Economies of Scope in Japanese Water Utilities”
“CGE Analysis of the Labor Market in a Global World”
Published Work
1) A Quantitative Evaluation: The Economic and Social Effects of Culture (5), 2021 Cultural Administration Research Survey, March 2022, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan.
2) Yane, H. (2020) “A CGE Analysis on Tariffs,” The Ritsumeikan Journal of International Studies 32(4).
3) Monthly GDP Estimate, Apr 2018 – Feb 2019, Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER).
4) Effects of Rate Hikes and Trade Friction Surfacing —External and Domestic Demand Lacking Vigor— (Dec 2018) Short-term Forecast on Asian Economies December 2018 Forecast: 2018 Q4 – 2021 Q1.
5) Slight Slowdown of Economic Expansion —Rising US Interest Rates and Trade Friction Drag on Growth— (Nov 2018) Quarterly Forecast of the Japanese Economy SA176, Short-Term Forecast: 2018/10-12 – 2021/1-3.
6) Economic Expansion and Uncertainty —Though Projections for Growth Rates are Unchanged, There is a Heightened Risk of Downturn— (Aug 2018) Quarterly Forecast of the Japanese Economy SA175, Short-Term Forecast: 2018/7-9 – 2020/1-3.
7) Japan’s Economy Stalled but Set for Further Growth —Growth Projections Revised Downward for FY2018 but Unchanged for FY2019— (May 2018) Quarterly Forecast of the Japanese Economy SA174, Short-Term Forecast: 2018/4-6 – 2020/1-3.
8) Manuscript Editor and Translator of: APIR (2017) Kansai and the Asia Pacific, Economic Outlook: 2016-17.
Presented Papers at Professional Meetings
1) Yane H. “Cultural GDP and Import/Export of Cultural Goods and Services,” Estimation of Cultural GDP and its Development: Connecting Culture and Economy through Statistics, 66th National Research Conference, Japan Society of Economic Statistics (JSES), Fukuoka, Sept. 6-7, 2022.
2) Yane H. “A Stochastic Frontier Analysis of International Trade: Estimation of 40 Countries.” Western Economic Association International (WEAI) Virtual International Conference, March 17-19, 2021.
3) Yane H. “The Implications of a Global Tariff War: Estimated Effects Using a CGE Model.” The 2020 Taiwan Economic Association Annual Conference (TEAAC), Tamkang University, New Taipei, December 12, 2020.
4) Yane H. “Estimating the Implications of Trade Wars: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis.” The 90th International Atlantic Economic Virtual Conference, October 15-18, 2020.
5) Yane, H. “A CGE Analysis on Tariffs.” The 4th Research Exchange Seminar, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Jan. 21, 2020.
6) Yane, H. “A CGE Model Analysis on Trade War.” The 12th Macroeconomic Model Workshop, Asia Pacific Institute of Research (APIR), Osaka, Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 2018.
7) Yane, H. “Changing Dynamics of Global Value Chains in the Asia Pacific Region.” The Launch of Kansai and the Asia Pacific, Economic Outlook: 2017-18, Asia Pacific Institute of Research (APIR), Osaka, July 9, 2018.
8) Yane, H. “Labor Skills and Backward Linkages.” The 54th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Oct. 6-8, 2017. Received the Best Research Presentation.
9) Yane, H. “Backward Linkage and the Skill Structure of Labor Demand.” 18th Annual Conference of the European Trade Study Group (ETSG 2016), Aalto University, VATT Institute, Helsinki, Sept. 8-10, 2016.
10) Yane, H. “Trade Openness and the Skill Structure of Labor Demand.” Presentation Workshop for Young Economists. Osaka University Nakanoshima Center, March 26, 2016.
11) Yane, H. “Global Value Chains and the Skill Structure of Labor Demand.” The 81st International Atlantic Economic Conference, Lisbon, March 16-19, 2016.
12) Yane, H. “Global Value Chains and the Skill Structure of Labor Demand in Japan.” The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International, Okayama University, Oct.10-12, 2015.
13) Yane, H. (presenter) and H. Yamada, “Neighboring Factories: Impacts of Import Competition on Firms’ Performances in Vietnam.” The 90th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International, Honolulu, June 28 - July 2, 2015.
14) Yane, H. (presenter) and H. Yamada. “Import Competition from Neighbors: Impacts on Perfor¬mances of Enterprises in Vietnam.” The 18th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Melbourne, June 17-19, 2015.
15) Yane, H. (presenter) and H. Yamada. Invitational Lecture “Neighboring Enterprises: Chinese Import Competition in Vietnam.” The 1st International Public Policy Conference, Osaka University, April 18, 2015.
16) Yane, H. (presenter) and H. Yamada. “Neighboring Factories: Impacts of Imports from China on Firms’ Performances in Vietnam.” The 14th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, November 1-2, 2014.
17) Yane, H. “Intermediate versus Final Products Trade and Services versus Goods Trade: Implications of Differences in Their Determinants.” The Ninth Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Economic Association, Osaka University, July 27-28, 2013.
18) Yane, H. “Trade in Intermediate Inputs and Services.” (Poster presentation). The 2013 Japanese Economic Association Spring Meeting, Toyama University, June 22-23, 2013.
19) Yane, H. “Prospects for Trade in Intermediates and Trade in Services: What Does the Gravity Model of Bilateral Trade Tell Us?” The 10th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference, Keio University, Tokyo, March 14-17, 2013.